Europäischer Landwirtschaftsfonds für die Entwicklung des ländlichen Raums: Hier investiert Europa in die ländlichen Gebiete
Diese Publikation wird im Rahmen des Entwicklungsprogramms PAUL unter Beteiligung der Europäischen Union und des Landes Rheinland-Pfalz, vertreten durch das Ministerium für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft, Ernährung, Weinbau und Forsten Rheinland-Pfalz, gefördert.
Alongside idyllic forests and meadows and extensive hillside ranges, you will reach the Preußensteig, which, following the former Prussian-Bavarian border, offers many fantastic views and interesting insights into the turbulent history of the region. From the start at Lichtenberg Castle - which by itself is worth a trip - the route leads to Kusel-Diedelkopf, where the town and local museum is located with its Fritz-Wunderlich-Zimmer. In the Holzbachtal one encounters many time-witnesses along the route, with the border stones showing the initials "KB" for the Kingdom of Bavaria and "KP" for the Kingdom of Prussia. At Pfeffelbach you climb up into the Preußischen Berge to the highest point of the tour, the 585 metres high Herzerberg. The route is a challenging day trip due to its length and climbs and can be therefore recommended for the months from Spring to Autumn.
More Info
Hiking gear and solid footwear are required. Please bring your own meals. Only between Lichtenberg and Kusel can be visited on the way. Hiking sticks are recommended!
Safety Information
Good footwear is required. The trail is not accessible all year round, since there are some steep sections, which are slippery in wet weather.
Particularly in the autumn, it is also important to ensure that the leaves lying on the ground can obscure unevenness, roots, stones or holes in the path.
You will have to reckon with this kind of activity if you are going on a hike.
If you are of the opinion that these are not accessible for you, you should avoid them.